Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Doe, a deer, a wedding and a dirt road.

On Saturday, I drove an hour and half north of me, to meet with Lisa, to help her shoot a wedding in Gainesville. From her place, we headed to our destination in Lake City, to capture the moments of the bride getting ready. We ended up missing our turn, and went back and forth the wrong road, of the same name as the correct road. In one direction, there was a long, dirt road and while we traveled along this dooming road, Lisa decided to start telling me about all the horror stories from movies and true stories, that start with a car making a wrong turn, down a dirt road. I wasn't entirely freaked out until the uncle of the bride got on the phone with us and warned not to go on that road. By then we were already off the dirt road, but it got our brains tickin'. We still don't know if he was serious or not.

We finally arrived to the house where the bride was getting ready and Lisa started doing her thing, taking photos of the little details and such. About 10 minutes after we arrived, a storm erupted. I'm talking a crazy thunderstorm with pounding rains. So much for outdoor photos. Which really sucked, because the property was beautiful. It rained through the whole "getting ready" session, and even while we arrived to the church to take some photos of the men in the wedding party. A few times, before the wedding, the lights even flickered, as lighting struck and thunder shook through our bodies.
It was unfortunate that it was raining so hard, because the church was adorable. One of those quaint, country churches, which would have made for some amazing shots. Lisa still did her thing and came away with plenty of great photos.

On the way to the reception, Lisa saw a dog laying on the side of the road. I looked back in time to just make out the color and unusually large size of the animal. I believe it was a dog that we'd actually seen running loose, while we were lost earlier that day. A very sad thing to see on the way to a reception.
After the reception, we started back to Lisa's, and spotted a deer. It was a lovely thing to see after the dog laying on the side of road. I don't know why, but I love seeing deer. It just makes my day...

All in all, this was a wonderful learning experience for me, and working with Lisa was awesome. I already knew she was sweet and talented, but when going into a situation like that, I always take the time to wonder how it will be actually working with someone. And much to my delight, it was great. Lisa's wonderful and really helpful. I am starting to have a little more confidence about my photography and how the whole business works. Hopefully, I can start making money from it, someday soon.

1 comment:

  1. Aww that's really awesome that you got to do a shoot. I didn't know! I feel horrible for being so behind on blog reading!
