Monday, June 28, 2010

Jump!Zone, Where are my shoes!? :\

Last Friday, Karima wanted to take our friend's son to Jump!Zone, as a reward for completing this year at school, so the kids and I joined in on the fun. Well, kinda. This place was full of rambunctious, careless, spoiled children, whose parents were more concerned with texting, reading and watching movies on their ipads, than taking a second to explain to their children what behavior is acceptable in public, especially with other, younger children. The bigger kids had no mind over the little ones and were quick to run them over and shove them out of their way. These kids were rude, had no regard for anyone surrounding them and seemed to feel just fine about putting their hands and/or feet on others. It was a pretty sad sight.

Now, I know my kids aren't perfect and I know I am far from being a perfect parent. So I certainly don't expect other children and parents to be perfect. However, when kids are running around like wild creatures, shoving, hitting, kicking and picking up other children, that they don't even know- It irks me. And when the parents of said children, allow such behavior to continue, you gotta wonder. I may not pay attention to what my kids are doing 24/7, and I'm sure I don't catch every bad move, but when I do see that they are misbehaving, I don't ignore it! I acknowledge it, and make sure that I correct them. I see parents see glance up at their kids for the shortest of moments, even happening to witness bad behavior and then just ignore it. I don't get it. They have the opportunity to teach their children to be functional humans in society, but they don't take the time to do so. As children, everything is a learning experience, so parents need to step up when those opportunities arise and  teach their children what is expected of them.

Anyhow, that's not the worst of it. My son has extremely wide feet, therefore, it is very hard to find shoes that fit him correctly and don't hurt him. I tell you this because, his shoes were gone(!) when we went to leave. Some careless kid and/or parent took his shoes! There was another similar, but different and much larger pair of shoes left and I assume that they were mixed up. But if this is the case, the child must have had to cram their foot into my son's shoe... And you would think, they would figure it out. I'm kinda pissed, because that pair happened to fit him perfectly. Now I have to find him new shoes. As if I didn't have to do it often enough for my two growing children. It's just so annoying.

1 comment:

  1. I love the collages!! Too cute! I've never been to jump zone - we're from the country out in the middle of no where!- but it looks so fun! As for the bratty rude kids that just sucks :( Pretty sad and ridiculous! And the shoes - I'd be so flippin ticked!! What is wrong with kids these days? I'm not a perfect parenting either (who is?) but there's a difference between normal behavior and being a huge rude brat!
